Our course is OPEN to Green Fee Players. As we do not have a Pro Shop, please sign-in the book provided outside the Office opposite the practice green.
Our Green fees are $30 for a round of Golf.
Payment instructions are displayed in the Office window
Cash or online banking is acceptable.
Our bank account number is 03 1525 0006979 00. Please state your surname as a reference.
Our Golf Cart Hire is $40 for a round.
Please note that you must pre-book a cart by calling or texting Marian 021 02628835.
We offer not just a great golf experience but also a place to stay and play. We are pleased to welcome NZMCA members and offer them a park-over option for just $5 per person per night.
Plus, if you stay and play, the park-over is free!
We are pet-friendly, but ask to please keep your dogs on a lead while out on the course.
A toilet is available around the side of the Clubhouse.
Payment instructions are displayed in the office window at the front of the Clubhouse,
with both cash and online banking accepted.
Our 12th Hole
“The best natural par 3 in the world”,
Arnold Palmer 1970.
TAIHAPE GOLF CLUB takes great pride in Arnold Palmer accrediting the club with the best natural par 3 in the world when he visited in 1970.
A bold 133-metre hole from the white tee and a more challenging 155 metres from the blue tee. Our 12th hole transcends the Hautapu River with the tee some 15 metres elevation above a green which falls away on 3 of its 4 sides.

About Us
Committed to Our Members
At the Taihape Golf Club, we pride ourselves on our unique course that offers a mixture of natural beauty and tranquillity. Established circa 1907, our course is a must-visit for any golfer looking for a peaceful place to play. Come experience our good old-fashioned country hospitality and maybe even spot a sheep or two on the course.